Friday 25 November 2016


Big Bad Wolf from little red riding hood

His cunning yellow eyes glow brightly in the middle of the night.  His sharp, knife like teeth glow in the night. His dirty brown fur matches the trees in the forest. His claws are as sharp as pins. His small rough ears can hear from up to miles away. He wears an evil smile on his grubby face.

His cunning yellow eyes dart around his surroundings scanning the area for movement. His small rough ears twitch as he listens carefully for any noise. His sharp claws paw at the ground getting ready to pounce. His eyes are focused on the innocent bunny digging for food. He licks his furry face witch his rough tongue and pounces on his dinner. His knife like claws sink into the bunnies skin and then his teeth rip of the bunny's head.

He is extremely evil. He is feared by every creature. He is the king of the forest. He is very fast and nothing ever escapes his grasp. His favourite food is rabbit and once in awhile while treat himself with a human

Monday 21 November 2016

Rata and the Totara

Rata and the Totara

Tanamahuta, the god of the forest created a Tikanga . The Tikanga says that the people of the village have to ask before they cut down trees, so they won't be greedy. Ratas mum had found a beautiful tree in the forest and told him to go cut it down and make a waka. Rata forgot about the totara and chopped it down. When he finished it was dark so he went back home and would carry on with it in the morning. The birds saw what he was doing and knew he didn't ask to cut it down, so they put the tree back together. When rata came back and the tree was standing tall, he thought he must of dreamed it. So he set off to work once again. Once he had cut down the tree he laid out the design for his waka and started to hollow out the tree. When he had finished it was dark to he went back home. The birds put the tree back together again and in the morning when rata came back he was confused. He set back to work and when the tree was on the ground it was late afternoon. He pretend he was done for the day and hid behind the bush. The birds came out and put the tree back together and he jumped out. They explained how he had not asked for permission to cut down the tree and he instantly felt sorry. He asked for permission and tanamahuta said yes and he set off to work once again.

Moral of the story.

Tiakina nga manu, ka ora te ngahere. Ka ora te ngahere, ka ora nga manu.
Look after the birds and the forest flourishes. If the forest flourishes, the birds flourish

Friday 18 November 2016

ill never forget the time

I'll never forget the time when I got the second highest mark in New Zealand for my reading test.
                                                                                                                                       I came home one day and my mum was reading the results for mine and emily’s tests. When she opened my test she seemed shocked. I thought I had scored 0% on my one of my tests. When I asked the score she said I had got the second highest mark in New Zealand for the year 5 reading test. I was shocked. I was sure they had made a huge mistake of marking my test because there was no way I could have scored that high. The test was about understanding what your reading and answering questions about the story. I'm usually not that great at understanding what I’m reading because when I'm reading books it can sometimes take a minute for me to process one sentence through my brain.

Friday 11 November 2016

haunted house

Haunted house
WALT: use a variation of long and short sentences

The long, thick, green grass brushed past my legs as I made my way across the haunted garden. The old wooden floor boards moaned and groaned with every step I took. The old squeaky, broken rocking chair swayed back and forth in the wind like a tree. My nervous hand reached out to touch the rusty door handle and I pushed on the old wooden door. The door creaked open and I slowly stepped into the haunted house. The floor groaned as I walked over to the old,run down kitchen.The walls were stained,the stove and oven were stained with food marks and the writing had been washed away over time. The cupboard doors squeaked open and inside was nothing but cobwebs, a few empty jars with ants and mice trying to get into them and some spiders. The lights in the house flickered on and off like a ghost was playing with the light switch. As I made my way over to the lounge one of the lights went off and gave me the feeling that I was being watched by someone or something. The moth eaten sofa sat in the middle of the room in front of a large broken TV and a coffee table that had been smashed. As I explored the rest of the down stairs, the feeling I had of being watched increased. I put my hand on the rail of the stairs and pulled myself onto the first step. My shaking foot slowly made its way up to the next step and the floor board moaned when my foot landed. As I walked up the stairs each floor boarded moaned and groaned. I look around at the top of the stairs and I saw a dark,creepy hallway and I had the biggest urge to walk up to the hallway and see what was waiting at the end. I slowly walked to the end and I found a large door which had a old, rust,silver padlock. I put my hand on the padlock and it gave me a horrible feeling. I pushed and pushed on the old rusty door and when it opened just a little, I thought I heard the quietest little scream.

I walked through the door. The room was dark. I could just make out the shape of a body. A little girl, in fact. The lights slowly turned on. Tied up on the floor was a girl. She was dead. Her white eyes glowed in the dark. Lying beside her was a knife. The knife was sitting in a pool of blood. The blood look fresh. The scream I heard. Was it hers? A cold shiver ran through my spine. Then a cold hand rested on my shoulder. I turned around. I stood there face to face, with a ghost. It was the girl's ghost. All of a sudden the lights went out. A sharp pain ran through my chest. My body came into contact with the floor. I slowly drifted off to sleep...

Monday 7 November 2016

Ko wai Te toa? Who is the winner?

He pai ki au te TÄ“nei- I like tennis
He pai ki au te hoki- I like hockey
He pai ki au te hari - I like dancing

Friday 14 October 2016

Water Cycle

The Water Cycle

The water cycle is a repetitive cycle. It's goes in a big loop and never stops. The water from lakes, puddles, rivers, streams and the ocean get heated up by the sun and evaporates.
 Evaporate or Evaporation is when water goes from a liquid to a gas. Water from plants is called transpiration. The gas travels up to the sky and it goes to the Sky. From there it condensates into clouds. After it condensates it rains. When it rains, that's called precipitation. Precipitation comes in different forms. Rain, Snow, Sleet and hail.
Plants and clouds help each other. The clouds give rain to the plants and the plants give water to the clouds.
After Precipitation the whole cycle repeats again and that is how the water cycle works.

Monday 29 August 2016

Goose Work


1. This means to our group:
Working together and not leaving anyone behind helping one another and encouraging each other.        

2. This means to our group:
Helping someone if they fall or fail and helping them until the end and not giving up.

3.This means to our group:
Taking turns to lead the group to victory all ways helping one another to get to the end .

4. This means to our group:
Always encourage each other to help them on their way.

5. This means to our group:
Always say you can do it.

Friday 26 August 2016

Parliament Card 7

 Card 7
How is the Government answerable for decisions it makes?

In pairs, create a question for each of the ten answers. For example, for number 1, the question is: What is the name for the extra questions that MP’s can ask during question time?

Supplementary Questions: what is a question called that an MP asks the PM?

Parliament debates it at length: what happens after the minister of finance delivers the budget?

Hansard: what is the official record of debates called?

Confidence of the House: What is the phrase that the government say when the they know they gave enough members supporting them?

Stonewalling or filibustering: What is it called when you stop people from voting in parliament?

There were no time limits: how long would people speak before 1894?

Opposition spokespersons: what is the name of the debating person opposing side of the governing?

Members are drawn from different parliamentary parties

The government must explain and justify its intentions:what must the government do before passing a law?

They may choose new representatives:   What happens if a representative wants to resign/retire

Match the definitions:

Thursday 11 August 2016

Parliment card 5

Card 5
Should we have an extra hour of school each day?

I reckon if we should lengthen our school day These are our reasons

I think if we make school days longer we should not have to do homework and we should make lunch and morning tea longer and have longer subjects.

My second reason is we can get more education and we can learn more in a longer length of time or fit more P.E time. Another reason is that our parents can work longer and earn more money so they can pay for our education and pay off the morgage on the house if you have one.

Even though there are good things having an extra hour, there are also bad things. like sport would either be shorter or go later into the night

By the awesome Makenzie and the Amazing Olivia and Halle

Friday 5 August 2016

Parliament True or false?

Explore Parliament Card 2

How do we choose who represents us?  Write true or False.

There are 120 seats in Parliament  true ✔️
Every electorate is represented by one MP False ✖️
The total of 77 electorates.
In MMP, parties can join together to form a Government false ✖️
An MP can be on a party list and still represent an electorate. True ✔️
MMP stands for mixed -member proportional. true ✔️
In 1868, all males were given the  right to vote. False ✖️
A political party can have MP’s in Parliament even if it doesn’t win an electorate seat. True ✔️
New Zealand women won the right to vote before men.  false ✔️
Any person living in New Zealand can vote in an election. . False✔️

Create word maps for the words- use a digital tool?
 Democracy- A system of the government by the whole population

If you were to stand for class councillor next year, how would you persuade your classmates to vote for you?
What ideas , suggestions, and plans do you have that would make a difference for students?
 In other words, what would you do if you were elec

My Matariki Kite From last term

My Matariki Kite
By Olivia Payne

My kite is a traditional Maori kite. My dad and I made it on Saturday. It took us a full day! We used Toi Toi, Flax and Raupo reeds. My dad got the Toi Toi from the side of the road, the Raupo reeds came from the swamp and the flax came from our garden.

If you would like to make this kind of kite here is what you would need:
Toi toi
Raupo reed
box cutter knife

Step 1:
We started of by cutting the Toi Toi to the right length and tied them together in a triangular shape for the frame. We used 4 of them. One at the top, one directly down from it and two diagonal. We tied them together using strings of flax.

Step 2.
Start to cut up the Raupo reed with a box cutter. We cut them to the right length and tied it in between the Toi Toi frame using flax.

Step 3.
After we tied the raupo reeds together we added a string made from flax and a stick. After that we tied it up and cleaned up our mess.

The kite is very special to the Maori culture. It is also known as the Matariki kite. There are two types of Matariki kites but the other one is more complex. I hope you have fun making your kite if you do decide to make it!

Tuesday 2 August 2016

1st day at Electronics - Technology

Before an emergency we should:

1: Make a household emergency plan
2: Have emergency Survival items
3: Have a getaway kit

Our family would need 36L of water and that would last us 3 days. We would need 3 15L containers and we would have some spare water or we could use 18 2L milk bottles. 
We need 12L Each.

I Need a torch. 
At electronics i am going to design and make an emergency light.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Term 2 highlights

Highlights of this term

one of my highlights was my eclective. I had a lot of fun doing it and i cant wait until next term.

I also loved having Mrs Lovatt for a week because she was fun and she made us laugh.

Another highlight was getting to sit next to imogen for 4 weeks.

I loved doing the project on the circulatory system

Friday 20 May 2016

McDonalds is harmfu to the people of NZ. I agree

McDonald's is harmful to the people in NZ?

Who is persuading?
What is the argument?
is McDonald's harmful? I agree

paragraph 1
main point
*  McDonald's is harmful to the people in NZ because You can find rat bones, cockroaches and other things in your food. Finding bugs and other things in your food can poison you and therefore McDonald's is harm full. Did you know that somebody found a rat's foot in their bugar! Eww! Do you really want to be eating bugs and rodent bones?

paragraph 2
main point
* Another reason McDonald's is harmful to people in Nz is, that People tend to litter their McDonald's cups and packets. Littering caused the rivers to go toxic and all the animals in the river die. Littering also makes our town look dirty and people won't want to live here anymore. If you look around, may just be able to spot some in the rivers and gutters.

paragraph 3
main point
* The last reason is that, kids easily get addicted to it and want it all the time. Which means they will gain fat and some of the might turn out to be obese and may develop diabetes. It's also mens that adults are wasting their money on it when they could be going to a healthier place.

Over all McDonald's is harmful to NZers because, you can find rat bones, cockroaches and other gross things in your food, people also tend to litter their McDonalds cups and packets and kids get easily addicted to it.

Friday 13 May 2016

Want to buy a balloon?

.                                                         Balloon Writing

Want to buy the funniest, most excitingest and the best Balloon in the world? Well look no further, we have The new balloon-a-tron and there aren’t many left.
It is sparkling white and can make you fly. NO MORE PLANES! It also has a curly red string. The string is so strong that it can carry you around the world. It will also be your best friend forever. You can dress it up and take it to the beach with you. The balloon-a-tron is unpoppable. You can throw rocks at it and knives and it will never pop, But  if you do throw things at it, I guarantee you aren’t a good friend. Tired of being annoyed by children? Well, It is also brilliant for getting kids to shut up!

Buy your Balloon-a-tron now for only $79.99
Call now on 06 888 5091

Friday 6 May 2016

My Holiday recount

“GOAL! 29 BEAT THAT” Benji yelled. I was Feeling confident that we would win. “You better beat that Matthew or we will lose” Emily groaned and gave him a look that said “If you lose I will kill you.”
“30!! HA.”Matthew yelled! Emily and Matthew were overwhelmed at their accomplishment. The next round is double points!

The final round was hurdles. Emily and I are the best at hurdles and who ever wins, puts their Team first or tied! My heart was racing and I was so nervous. The whistle went and Emily and I were neck in neck. Emily tripped over the second hurdle, putting me ahead.

  After the race was done, The results was clear. But who won? was it me or Emily? I Was out of breath and anxious because it was taking so long. “Ok guys and girls, the winner is….. BENJI AND LIV!!” someone Called out. Benji and I were so happy.

A big frown spread across Emily's face. Her hands started to screw up into paper balls and then a tear ran down her cheek. As she wiped it away she started yelling at us, “YOU CHEATED. THAT'S NOT FAIR. WE SHOULD HAVE TO DO THE HURDLES AGAIN.”

Friday 15 April 2016

Journal Entry

6th October 1917. Today my mate Don died in the field hospital right before my eyes. But before he left he told me something and i don't know how to feel about it. He was one of those scabs. He took my father's job. My father was a miner in Waihi before they went on Strike. The strike was both a peaceful and dangerous time. Black Tuesday was a scary time for me. I was sad to hear about Fred evans death. He was a good friend of my fathers. Don told me that he was against the scabs, the day we meet. But all along he was with them. We have been fighting together for a bit now and never, has he once told me until now. Should i ever forgive him? Will i ever forgive him?

I don't think war is going to solve much. War should never be the answer for anything. It's a horrible way to live and end your life. When is this going to end?

Friday 1 April 2016


How did World war 1 start and end?

On the 28 July 1914 a war broke out. Countries joined forces and battled each other. But what made the war start in the first place?

On June 28th 1914 Franz Ferdinand was killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sabria. Franz Ferdinand was a  Archduke for Austria which is basicly like a prince. A month later Austria declared war against Sabaria.

The World War one Teams:
The Allies was one of the teams in world one. 27 States where in that team. France, Britain,Russia,Italy, The United States, Romania, Greece Serbia and Japan are some of the states in the Allies.
The Central powers was the other team which included, Germany,Austria, Turkey and bulgaria.

Did you know, That every christmas the war would stop. The soldiers stopped fighting and celebrated christmas together. Then when the sun set, they went back to their trenches and the next day war would start again.

How did the war end?
After a while The Central powers were exhausted and running out of food and supplies. On November 11 1918 they requested for the war to stop. The Allies agreed to this and The war stopped on November 11 1918 11:00am.
The War lasted for 4 Years, Three Months and 14 Days!

If you Would like to know more, Here are some of the websites i used:

Wednesday 2 March 2016

Aotearoa, Unity in Diversity

What kind of of things connect us together as New Zealanders?

The Kiwi connects every New Zealanders together.                            

The Tuatara also connects NZers together

Silver Fern


Buzzy Bee

Friday 26 February 2016

Story Re-Count. I will never forget the time...

Slam! The hot silver gate bounced back onto me. “Stupid gate,” I thought. I was hot and bothered, and got easily angry at things. I criss crossed my way in and out of the scooters lying on the cold, hard floor. I walked out of the busy school, then slowly slipped out of the crowd. I looked up at the sky, then back down. Then all of a sudden, CRASH!

 I woke up on the ground bleeding. What had happened? Where was I? My nose, lip and both knees were bleeding and to top it all of I had this throbbing ache in my left wrist. I looked around and my scooter was lying behind me. The front wheel, in a small hole.  A shiver ran down my spine. I felt like screwing myself up into a paper ball and crying. I sat in the warm sunshine for a bit crying, then wiped away my salty tears and stomped grumpily all the way home.