Friday 11 November 2016

haunted house

Haunted house
WALT: use a variation of long and short sentences

The long, thick, green grass brushed past my legs as I made my way across the haunted garden. The old wooden floor boards moaned and groaned with every step I took. The old squeaky, broken rocking chair swayed back and forth in the wind like a tree. My nervous hand reached out to touch the rusty door handle and I pushed on the old wooden door. The door creaked open and I slowly stepped into the haunted house. The floor groaned as I walked over to the old,run down kitchen.The walls were stained,the stove and oven were stained with food marks and the writing had been washed away over time. The cupboard doors squeaked open and inside was nothing but cobwebs, a few empty jars with ants and mice trying to get into them and some spiders. The lights in the house flickered on and off like a ghost was playing with the light switch. As I made my way over to the lounge one of the lights went off and gave me the feeling that I was being watched by someone or something. The moth eaten sofa sat in the middle of the room in front of a large broken TV and a coffee table that had been smashed. As I explored the rest of the down stairs, the feeling I had of being watched increased. I put my hand on the rail of the stairs and pulled myself onto the first step. My shaking foot slowly made its way up to the next step and the floor board moaned when my foot landed. As I walked up the stairs each floor boarded moaned and groaned. I look around at the top of the stairs and I saw a dark,creepy hallway and I had the biggest urge to walk up to the hallway and see what was waiting at the end. I slowly walked to the end and I found a large door which had a old, rust,silver padlock. I put my hand on the padlock and it gave me a horrible feeling. I pushed and pushed on the old rusty door and when it opened just a little, I thought I heard the quietest little scream.

I walked through the door. The room was dark. I could just make out the shape of a body. A little girl, in fact. The lights slowly turned on. Tied up on the floor was a girl. She was dead. Her white eyes glowed in the dark. Lying beside her was a knife. The knife was sitting in a pool of blood. The blood look fresh. The scream I heard. Was it hers? A cold shiver ran through my spine. Then a cold hand rested on my shoulder. I turned around. I stood there face to face, with a ghost. It was the girl's ghost. All of a sudden the lights went out. A sharp pain ran through my chest. My body came into contact with the floor. I slowly drifted off to sleep...


  1. Great Work! I really like this.

  2. Great suspense Livi

  3. That's an amazing story Liv way to keep the suspense well done I hope you write another so that I can read it you're a really talented writer Liv.

  4. this is an awesome haunted house story. sad but intriguing ending

  5. This is such a good story 20 outa 10
