Friday 1 April 2016


How did World war 1 start and end?

On the 28 July 1914 a war broke out. Countries joined forces and battled each other. But what made the war start in the first place?

On June 28th 1914 Franz Ferdinand was killed by Gavrilo Princip in Sabria. Franz Ferdinand was a  Archduke for Austria which is basicly like a prince. A month later Austria declared war against Sabaria.

The World War one Teams:
The Allies was one of the teams in world one. 27 States where in that team. France, Britain,Russia,Italy, The United States, Romania, Greece Serbia and Japan are some of the states in the Allies.
The Central powers was the other team which included, Germany,Austria, Turkey and bulgaria.

Did you know, That every christmas the war would stop. The soldiers stopped fighting and celebrated christmas together. Then when the sun set, they went back to their trenches and the next day war would start again.

How did the war end?
After a while The Central powers were exhausted and running out of food and supplies. On November 11 1918 they requested for the war to stop. The Allies agreed to this and The war stopped on November 11 1918 11:00am.
The War lasted for 4 Years, Three Months and 14 Days!

If you Would like to know more, Here are some of the websites i used:

1 comment:

  1. Great work Olivia! I can tell you have put a lot of time into this
